Thursday 23 August 2012

The Olympics and Class

Did you see the Olympics?  Great, wasn't it?  Obviously, the ability to jump higher/run faster is not that much of an achievement anymore, in fact it's pretty useless since we're not cave dwellers fighting each other for the scraps from a revently deceased Woolly Mammoth or running away from one of those old tigers with the massive teeth but it would be churlish to bring this up after our runners/jumpers/make-a-horse-do-a-dance-ers did so well. 

Anyway, from a sociological point of view the Olympics matter because in the last Olympics, which were somewhere abroad I assume (I didn't watch that one) most of the British Olympic Team (NOT 'Team GB'!  NEVER 'Team GB'!  'Team GB' is a nauseating Americanism and if you say it you are a traitor. FACT!) had attended Private School, so there was a debate about CLASS and INEQUALITY and people saying 'Blimey, these rich people seem to have unfair advantages due to their enormous wealth, yadda yadda yadda, say something less blindingly obvious whydontcha?  Anyway, this time round, there was a slight change to the debate as it seems a few more peasants/state school kids won medals.  Here are some articles discussing it:

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Get a proper job you posh pillock.

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