Monday 30 July 2012


Punk is one of the youth subcultures you should know about for AS level, here's some stuff about a punk band in Russia that I've mentioned before:

Pussy Riot: will Vladimir Putin regret taking on Russia's cool women punks?

Pussy Riot trial over Putin altar protest begins

Pussy Riot are a reminder that revolution always begins in culture

Do some research of your own, they've been sentenced to prison since I posted these.

And if you're too insular and British to care about what happens in other countries (congratulations, you ignorant buffoon!  Here's a link to the Daily Mail)  then here's something about a Punk Festival that still happens in the UK, although apparently most of the elderly punks who attend have to be kept alive by regular adrenaline shots and expensive machinery:

Rebellion festival: 'If the mohicans are wilting by Sunday, then it's a good year'

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