Monday, 30 July 2012


Punk is one of the youth subcultures you should know about for AS level, here's some stuff about a punk band in Russia that I've mentioned before:

Pussy Riot: will Vladimir Putin regret taking on Russia's cool women punks?

Pussy Riot trial over Putin altar protest begins

Pussy Riot are a reminder that revolution always begins in culture

Do some research of your own, they've been sentenced to prison since I posted these.

And if you're too insular and British to care about what happens in other countries (congratulations, you ignorant buffoon!  Here's a link to the Daily Mail)  then here's something about a Punk Festival that still happens in the UK, although apparently most of the elderly punks who attend have to be kept alive by regular adrenaline shots and expensive machinery:

Rebellion festival: 'If the mohicans are wilting by Sunday, then it's a good year'

Sunday, 29 July 2012


It looks like the next step towards all-out global destruction will be a war with Iran.  I like to keep myself informed about exactly what sort of innocent civilians we will be blowing up next and so I have been watching the following documentaries.  If you would like to know more about Iran before some kind of nuclear apocalypse consumes us all then I suggest you watch them too!

This one is three hours long but that's because it's an entire three episode series collected into one video!  Watch it in instalments whilst eating crisps, like I did! Iran and the West BBC documentary

Rageh Omar Inside Iran  

Iran is not the problem

Campaigns control the message

The White House operates an extremely busy press office with a highly developed system for promoting material to enhance the president’s prominence. Any positive event within the executive — right down to lower-level agencies that otherwise don’t get much notice — is emphasized in press releases, conference calls, photo-ops and other created means.

Murdoch dominance created climate for press abuses, says Rusbridger

Guardian editor urges Leveson inquiry to consider 'dangers to democracy' of media power being concentrated in too few hands

Satanic Panic! Why People Believe Weird Things!

Moral Panics are very exciting, aren't they?  You need to know about them for AS and A2 so I've put other stuff on the blog in the past but here's some more, specifically relating to the 'satanic panic' that occurred in the US and UK in the 80's and 90's.  Below are some links to articles as well as a book and a video!  The book 'Why people believe weird things' is worth reading anyway, hence my decision to put a 'general journalism' tag on this post.  Enjoy!

A full stop to the Satanic panic

A BBC documentary reminds us how irrational were the fears of ritual abuse in the 80s and 90s. Yet the view that parents can't be trusted lives on.

When Satan came to town

Five families in Rochdale were wrongly separated
In 1990 the Devil came to Rochdale. 

Lost years of 'satanic panic' children

In 1990, families on a council estate in north Manchester woke up to every parent's worst nightmare. With no warning, police and social workers had come to take their children. 

Wiki on Satanic ritual abuse

The 'Martensville Nightmare' Ritual Abuse case

Wiki on Moral Panics

Free E-Book!   Michael Shermer - Why People Believe Weird Things.  I'm reading this at the moment, chapters on satanic panic and other stuff, very good.

Too lazy/stupid to read his book?  Why am I not surprised? Okay, pillock, watch the video instead.

Skeptic Magazine is very interesting, edited by Shermer.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Monday, 23 July 2012

£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

'Study estimates staggering size of offshore economy.  Private banks help wealthiest to move cash into havens.'  The Guardian

'Wealth doesn't trickle down – it just floods offshore, new research reveals.

A far-reaching new study suggests a staggering $21tn in assets has been lost to global tax havens. If taxed, that could have been enough to put parts of Africa back on its feet – and even solve the euro crisis'   The Guardian

Price of Inequality By Joseph Stiglitz - Book

What is 'trickle down theory'?  Wiki!

Will the Dark Knight Rises shootings revive the debate on 'copycat' crimes?

'If the gunman's mask was inspired by Bane, we will likely hear some depressingly familiar arguments about films inspiring violence – but pinning blame is a hazardous exercise'  The Guardian

Rupert Murdoch quits as News International director

'Move fuels rumours of sell-off of UK newspapers despite media mogul's reassurance that he is 'fully committed' as chairman'  The Guardian

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Pink Stinks!

Pinkstinks is a campaign that targets the products, media and marketing that prescribe heavily stereotyped and limiting roles to young girls. We believe that all children – girls and boys - are affected by the ‘pinkification’ of girlhood. Our aim is to challenge and reverse this growing trend. We also promote media literacy, self-esteem, positive body image and female role models for kids.

Taken from their website here.

Gender-neutral? Harrods' new Toy Kingdom tries to end boy-girl divide


Harrods - Favourite shopping destination of Dictators and Crime Lords.

Monday, 9 July 2012

After Austerity: the widening gap between rich and poor - video

The economist Dean Baker and the TUC's Nicola Smith discuss why the economic gains of the past 30 years have gone disproportionately to the wealthiest section of society. Interviewed by Tom Clark at the TUC's After Austerity conference, they weigh up the arguments for capping executive pay, the provision of government tax credits and an increase in the minimum wage


Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The Lies of the Press

Mentioned in Collins textbook page 154.

The newspapers must also be held to account for the decision to invade Iraq.

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 20th July 2004


Media Lens

What is Media Lens?

Since 2001, we have been describing how mainstream newspapers and broadcasters operate as a propaganda system for the elite interests that dominate modern society. The costs of their disinformation in terms of human and animal suffering, and environmental breakdown, are incalculable. We show how news and commentary are ‘filtered’ by the media’s profit-orientation, by its dependence on advertisers, parent companies, wealthy owners and official news sources..

Mentioned in Collins textbook page 154

And if you have some time to spare...

A Comparative Review of Flat Earth News and Newspeak

Are Aaron Sorkin's women 'silent bearers of sexism'?

With 'The Newsroom' chugging along, critics have pointed out a pattern of sexism in Sorkin's work. (from The Guardian)

Monday, 2 July 2012

The Pentagon's grip on Hollywood

Watch here...

The military entertainment complex is an old phenomenon that binds Hollywood with the US military. Known as militainment, it serves both parties well. Filmmakers get access to high tech weaponry - helicopters, jet planes and air craft carriers while the Pentagon gets free and positive publicity.

The latest offering to come from this relationship is Act of Valor and it takes the collaboration one step further. The producers get more than just equipment – they have cast active-duty military personnel in the lead roles, prompting critics to say the lines have become so blurred that it is hard to see where Hollywood ends and Pentagon propaganda begins.  (from Al-Jazeera)

Enemy Image

Enemy Image overviews the history of the portrayal of war in television news from an American perspective. The film starts with the coverage of Vietnam where reports happened with little supervision, control or interference. Following this, The Pentagon takes action to control access by journalists to battle areas in subsequent invasions, such as the Invasion of Grenada — where journalists were excluded completely — to the first Gulf War, where news packages were provided directly from the military, to the embedded churnalism of the invasion of Iraq. Shown is the progressive tightening of control by the US military on the contact journalists have with soldiers and civilians in the war zone, in order that “never again will television raise the moral and political questions that face a people during war.”