Saturday, 10 December 2011

AS Ethnic Identity - Tony Sewell - African Caribbean Identity

The Collins textbook mentions Tony Sewell and his 1996 study arguing that peer group pressure is extremely influential among disaffected African-Caribbean youth in British inner cities.  To extend your knowledge, here are some further articles by or about Sewell and his work.

'When it comes to black boys, peer group values are pushing out parental control'

Racism is not the problem Warwick University's accusation of institutional racism in schools undermines teachers and fails to answer important questions.

Black boys are too feminised  More than racism, the absence of father figures is the main problem holding back black kids in school

Black students and the glass ceiling

Gangsta culture spreading

In this email exchange, Lee Jasper and Dr Tony Sewell argue over why so many black boys under-achieve at school

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for those links - having real difficulty trying to pin down any real evidence of Sewell's majoritarian antics.
