Sunday, 18 December 2011

AS Gender Identity - Hamleys Toy Store

Hamleys -previously a hotbed of Gender Apartheid.

Toy store Hamleys has stopped labelling floors in blue and pink for boys and girls.  Real life example of Gender Identity, nature v. nurture etc etc and whatnot.

Read all about it here and here and here and also

 Pink v Blue - are children born with gender preferences?Hamleys has abandoned its toy shop 'gender apartheid', scrapping its separate floors for boys and girls and their respective blue and pink signs. Are colour and toy preference dictated by nature or nurture?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

A2 Mass Media Revision Quiz!

What could be more funner than a revision quiz on the mass media unit?  That's right, nothing could be more funner!  Are you looking for that kind of fun?  Of course you are and here it is!

(note: it's designed for a different exam board but I still think it would be fun to do it!)  Have fun, funsters!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

A2 Media Effects and Control - Globalisation - Disneyfication - Net Delusion - Jon Ronson

Here's what we would have looked at in today's lesson if the laptops had worked.

Media Effects

The Globalisation and the Media video

A Reader’s Guide To Disneyfication  How Disney magic and the corporate media shape youth identity 

Architects have accused Istanbul’s City Hall of presiding over the “disneyfication” of a once-vibrant ottoman neighbourhood

Media Control - Internet - Net Delusion

The Valley of the Clueless  read this and follow the links (have pasted a couple below), discussing the US policy towards the internet and China, he mentions a couple of good examples from The Net Delusion and also the attacks (both in cyberspace and in the real world) against Iran allegedly by the US or Israel.

US Internet declaration bugs China      The sabotaging of Iran

Video about 60 years of Radio Free Europe

Jon Ronson: Is net freedom under attack? Introducing a new series about attempts to control the online world

Monday, 12 December 2011

AS Ethnic Identity - Popular Culture - Hip Hop

'Paul Gilroy (1992) argues that young African-Caribbeans often adopt identities based around influential media role models such as 50 Cent and So Solid Crew.  Gangsta rap and hip-hop, in particular, have been powerful influences, and oftent the adoption of aspects of the gangsta rap lifestyle symbolise opposition to white society.  Kellner (1995) agrees and notes that rap music is a means of expressing black identity in what is perceived by African-Caribbeans as a hostile and racist environment' (Collins textbook).

So, I have collected a few examples of gangsta rap and also some Public Enemy stuff.  Yeah boyeeee!

50 Cent - Pimp

50 Cent is an idiot.

Dre and Snoop - 187 (Undercover Cop)

'187' is American Police Radio Code for 'murder'.  In this charming little number, Dre and Snoop discuss the urgent need too '187' an 'undercover cop'.  It's from the film 'Deep Cover' which I heartily recommend.

The Notorious B.I.G. - Gimme the Loot

I prefer  'Going back to Cali'  but '...Loot' is a better example of a track purely about committing crime.

Wu Tang Clan  C.R.E.A.M.

N.W.A  do not like the police one little bit.   

NWA - F tha police  and an amusing comedy sketch about it  here

Ice Cube was very pleased with his Xmas present.

Da Lench Mob - Buck Tha Devil    Freedom got an AK

Da Lench Mob  were formed by Ice Cube and are sort of halfway between the pure mindless gangsta violence of 'Gimme the Loot' and the political awareness of Public Enemy.  Members of the Nation of Islam, they were obsessed with AK47's and crime but they also wrote about the problems of racism in society caused by 'tha devil' which in this case refers to 'whitey'.  'Buck tha Devil' therefore, is a delightfully up-tempo number about eradicating the problem of racism in society by shooting all the white people.

And let's not forget the UK G's repping their endz!

Dizzee and Wiley - a history of 'beef'.

 Wiley - Gangsters  and  Dizzee Rascal Where da G's?  Sirens

K Koke - NOT an Idiot in any way whatsoever.

K Koke  'Gangster Life'  I had never heard of this chap and when I saw his picture I thought he was less gangster, more half-wit shelf-stacker with an ill-fitting hat.  However, I have since done some research and it turns out he spent most of this year on remand for murder.  Therefore I will not be 'dissing' him in any way whatsoever, so that I may avoid any possible 'beef' and subsequent 'caps' being 'busted' in the vicinity of my 'ass'.

It's not all drive-by shootings, Tec-9's and spinning rims...
Public Enema

Public Enemy were/are not gangsta rappers, the documentary 'Prophets of Rage' explains why not in far more detail than I can.

Public Enemy - Fight the Power

Prophets of Rage - BBC4 documentary on Public Enemy  Part 1

This is what happens when you listen to gangsta rap

Saturday, 10 December 2011

AS Ethnic Identity - Tony Sewell - African Caribbean Identity

The Collins textbook mentions Tony Sewell and his 1996 study arguing that peer group pressure is extremely influential among disaffected African-Caribbean youth in British inner cities.  To extend your knowledge, here are some further articles by or about Sewell and his work.

'When it comes to black boys, peer group values are pushing out parental control'

Racism is not the problem Warwick University's accusation of institutional racism in schools undermines teachers and fails to answer important questions.

Black boys are too feminised  More than racism, the absence of father figures is the main problem holding back black kids in school

Black students and the glass ceiling

Gangsta culture spreading

In this email exchange, Lee Jasper and Dr Tony Sewell argue over why so many black boys under-achieve at school

AS Ethnic Identity - African Caribbean Identity and Religion



Seventh Day

Seventh Day Adventist



Malcolm X

Nation of Islam

Black Muslims  Note:  Be aware that there are important differences between Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam and 'traditional' Islam.

AS Ethnic Identity - Institutional Racism - Police and Schools

Institutional Racism - Police:

1999  2009   The Murder of Stephen Lawrence

Institutional Racism - Schools:

The Guardian 2008   The Independent

For the opposing argument, see this post which contains articles by Tony Sewell discussing other factors, other than racism in schools, that may be affecting black pupils.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

AS Ethnic Identity - Stop and Search

This post is under construction, I will explain how the police stop and search tactics relate to ethnic identity later on but in the meantime here's a link to a related survey on the Riots of Summer 2011

Stop and Search 2011

BBC News from 11 april 2011:

Thirty years ago Brixton saw a series of disturbances that changed London for ever.

'We were racist' says Brixton riot police officer

AS Ethnic Identity - Examples of Hybrid Culture


Apache Indian     Jay-Sean  Asian Dub Foundation

Film  East is East

Language - London Patois

AS Ethnic Identity - Sample Questions and Answers

During your revision you might like to try these questions on Ethnic Identity, if you're not too busy drinking floor polish and fighting sailors in the street.

Define the concept of hybridity  (8 marks)

Outline and explain two ways in which ethnic identities are created
and reinforced. (16 marks)

Outline and briefly evaluate the view that peer groups are responsible
for the creation of ethnic hybrids in the contemporary UK. (24 Marks)

THEN you CLICK HERE  to see a revision chapter from one of the textbooks which includes SAMPLE ANSWERS to these questions! 

Inside Job - Documentary - How the Financial Crisis happened.

Charles Ferguson's excellent documentary explains how the financial industry destroyed the world and got away with it.  Not really relevant to the sociology course but very interesting and useful nonetheless.
Watch it here!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Muppet Movies are communist plots! FOX FACT!

Are you frightened of Muppets?  These people are...

Read all about it.

Then watch the video...

Another typical Fox News story.

Media Control - Egypt and China

Watch this, funkateers!

Last week, we returned to Tahrir Square, where the world watched Egyptians rise up for the second time since Mubarak's fall. This week we have stayed put - to make sure we chronicle media coverage of the country's first parliamentary elections in the post-Mubarak era - and to keep up with the changing landscape of the media itself, including: a state owned broadcasting powerhouse losing credibility fast; an explosion of new private channels with their own agendas; the activists still driving the revolution online; and the warnings to women reporters to stay out of Egypt that were politely ignored. Our Newsdivide this week keeps its focus on Egypt, as the country and its media undergoes transition.

In our Newsbytes this week: A cable TV operator in Pakistan threatens to drop foreign news channels airing "anti- Pakistani content" - the first in the firing line: the BBC; Julian Assange is awarded Australia's version of the Pulitzer and a DC journalist is temporarily suspended from a press club after asking a member of the Saudi royal family some uncomfortable questions.

Our feature this week: Should the state control what society wants to see? These days it seems hardly a week goes by without the authorities in Beijing issuing some new rule dealing with the media. The latest is a ban on advertising during TV dramas - the idea being to keep viewers from hitting the remote during the programme. Before that, the government announced the end of a wildly successful talent show. Among the other changes to what the government calls its 'Cultural Development Guidelines': internet companies being told to keep a closer eye on online content and journalists told they cannot report news stories found online or via phone networks without first getting official verification. Listening Post's Meenakshi Ravi reports on China's new media campaign and how the party is tightening its control over television and the web.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

The Day Today and The Onion- Media - News satire.

In the days before TV became Cowell's personal plaything and therefore lost its appeal to all but the brainless, 'The Day Today' was satirising the conventions of formulaic news broadcasting.  It's tres amusing.  I think this link will take you to a full episode.  If not, have a look on the internet yourself, do I have to do everything for you?! 

                                                                         The Day Today

Meanwhile, over in the USA, if Fox News isn't hilarious enough for you, then The Onion News Network is superb.   This video is one of my favourites and, let's face it, my taste is significantly better than yours.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Representation in the Media: Gender, Age, Ethnicity and Class

Behold!  Herein I shall place links to various resources that can be utilised by both AS and A2 for the units on media representation of various identities.  It shall be an ongoing project and hence the contents of this post will not be exhaustive by any means.  Nonetheless, I hope, nay, I pray that they will be of some use to you in your ceaseless quest for knowledge. Bon chance, mes enfants!

“The media do not merely represent; they also recreate the world as desirable, and saleable. What they reproduce is chosen, not random, not neutral, and not without consequence”. (Patricia J. Williams)

Proper Studies!

Still a Man’s Game:  Gender Representation in Online Reviews of Video Games

The virtual census: representations of gender, race and age in video games

'A Content Analysis of Gender Differences in Children's Advertising'

Children, Television and Gender Roles

Offensive Ethnic Clichés in Movies: Drugs, Sex, and Servility

Mockery and Morality in Popular Cultural Representations of the White, Working Class

General Stuff

This site looks very good for resources

Media Stereotypes

Representation of Age in the media



Studying Media Representations

Media Awareness Network

Media blog with posts/videos on representation


Youth   Youth 2


Another blog on media

And don't forget my previous post on Age Identity videos!


Kids - what the papers say

On Wednesday 22 April, a conference was held in London, UK, to discuss the representation of children in the media


Media demonises teenagers

Behind the stereotypes

Young people media portrayal

The concept of youth

The Elderly

BBC 'One Foot in the Grave'.

Damn you, Disney!

Elder stereotypes in media & popular culture

BBC - Are pensioners stereotyped?   1   2   3

BBC 'Last of the Summer Wine'


White Working Class  and this

Watch this on class in media

This blog post explains how several songs by 60's group The Kinks can be related to class.


Gender, Race and Media representation

BBC: TV 'failing ethnic minorities'

BBC: How Entertainment Changed - The media and multicultural Britain

Can Gramsci's theory of hegemony help us to understand the representation of ethnic minorities in western television and cinema?

Ethnic minorities and the Media

Cadbury accused of racial stereotyping in chocolate advert

Racial stereotype bingo ad is banned

KFC ad accused of racism


‘The British Media and Muslim Representation: The Ideology of Demonisation’

From Aladdin to Lost Ark, Muslims get angry at 'bad guy' film images

Islam and the Western Media   Stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam in the media are rooted in prejudice, and ignorance, says Bassil Akel.

Why the terrorism scare is a moral panic.

My Name is Khan    Wiki page  "My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist"

The role of the mass media in representations of age, class, ethnicity, gender...'

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Life in North Korea - BBC Documentary

Continuing my frankly bizarre obsession with North Korea, here are parts 1 and 2 of a BBC documentary called  'State of Mind'.      Part 1 Part 2 

And another documentary with good info on media control in 'North Korea - Suspicious Minds'

 Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
North Korea tries to avoid detection by turning all the lights off.

It's not all jackboots-crushing-your-face, famine and pitch-black darkness though, Korea has just hit the top of the pops in the corruption charts!

Weird Facts about the late Dear Leader (video!)    article

AS Age Identity - Videos and that.

So, like, at the moment yeah, we're like totally doing Age Identity in the AS lessons, yeah?  Yeah.  So, like, I said I'd, like, put some videos and that on the blog, yeah?  Yeah, so I done that here, yeah? Nice one.

Watch these...

Old Age

Here are two videos featuring Iggy Pop

Now  and  Then

Does he look/act like you'd expect a man in his sixties to look/act?

                                     Movie Trailer - Harry Brown

                   Is this a typical portrayal of an old man?

The song 'My Generation' is very useful for Age Identity essays because of the line 'Hope I die before I get old'.  Originally by The Who  it has recently been covered by The Zimmers  and Robbie Williams has also done ''Hope I'm old before I die' giving you several views about old age from different perspectives.


Here's what some sections of the media think young people are like  but I prefer this

Youth Subcultures

Extensive list of subcultures from wiki

A Mod.  They didn't all look this ridiculous.

Mods and Rockers (1960's) here.

Film - Quadrophenia (trailer)

Hippies (1960's/70's)

History Channel documentary on Hippies

Avoid Acid and Bombs, that's my advice.

Punk (1970's)

This man used to advocate smashing the state. 
He now sells butter. 
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Sex Pistols  BBC documentary on Punk 

Skinheads  (1970's/80's)

Movie - This is England (trailer)

Skinheads and Reggae    Brighton Skinheads

Skateboarding Culture - Dogtown and Z-Boys (full movie)

Get a job, divot.

Acid House/Rave  1990's

Movie - Human Traffic  (trailer)

Music videos!  

Altern-8 'E-vapor-8'

The Shamen - Ebeneezer Goode

Zero Zero – Zeroxed


Documentary on Acid House Summer of 1989