Thursday, 31 May 2012

Private Jessica Lynch - Media control

Three videos to explain the story of Jessica Lynch as an example of government manipulation of the media.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Increase in female deviance/crime

Ministry of Justice figures from 2009 showed that annual arrests of teenage girls and women had reached record levels with more than 250,000 detained by police
Youth Justice Board figures show that the number of personal violent attacks by girls dealt with by youth offending teams rose by 48% from 10,412 in 2003 to 15.413 by 2008.  Also show sharp increases in the number of public order offences, up 37% to 5,852 and racially aggrevated crimes, up 113% to 758, committed by girls under 18 over the same period.
A report by the Institute of Criminal Policy Research suggested that the increase was due to women being more willing to commit and admit offences because society had changed it’s expectations avout their behaviour.

Source:  Gangland – Tony Thompson (2010)

A typical girl gang, these reprobates were responsible for causing global misery and have several 'criminal records'.
 Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahaahha!

Some articles about female crime...

Mum and sons drugs gang are jailed

A secretary nicknamed the Black Widow has been jailed for life after being exposed as a ruthless 'Mrs Fix- It' for gangsters.

Dead drug queen 'victim of revenge'International trafficker found dead in London flat was suspect in gangland killing of Colombian dealer


ASBO: What's this all about then?

Asbos 'to criminalise youngsters' (2004)

They don't all wear hoodies, and there is no need to bar them from shops. Young people give their view of the stereotypes they face

Asbo: The end of an era (2012)

'Crimbos' replace Asbos – but will they rush children into custody?

ASBOs weren’t much cop, but what about their replacement?

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Monday, 14 May 2012

Age and Inequality

Some stuff to watch and read...

Government challenged on fuel poverty- video and article

Ageist stereotypes in media - 1  and  2

Old bag sacked from BBC - here, then Rowan Atkinson says that's fine by him, primarily due to the fact he is not an old bag himself.

Nicholas Parsons, a man who is around 900 years old (making him quite young in terms of Radio 4 audience demographics) and not very funny (making him very funny in terms of Radio 4 comedy) says TV should employ more 900 year old men - here.

If you think old men should not be allowed to wear skimpy swimwear and massive medallions,
 then you are a foul ageist bigot! 

Monday, 7 May 2012

The Poverty Site

This site monitors what is happening to poverty and social exclusion in the UK. The material is organised around 100 statistical indicators covering all aspects of the subject, from income and work to health and education. 

Look at the links on the left of their pages for graphs and info on gender/ethnicity/age related to inequality etc.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Strain Theory

Some sources of info on Strain Theory, as requested:

1   2   3   4   5  6   7

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Gender and Crime

As requested, here are some extra bits and bobs about female crime, explanations for and the extent of. There's an interesting thing here made by students, for example, there's also some new resources on the studentshared area on school server.